Gesture: A Medium Between The Inner and Outer Worlds
When firstly analyzing the definition of “gesture”, it can be seen as an expression outward. However, could it work the other way around? Perhaps a gesture extending inwards? In that sense, when relating body to gesture, it can be considered as the middle ground, a sort of a vessel or medium, that converts or interprets the inner world to the outer world. Since the body is also considered as the barrier between these two worlds. The definition of a “gesture” can be challenged by suggesting a continuum moving in both directions, proposing that expression, as well as repression, are both gestures, which can extend in one world or another. To add on, using the body as a sort of canvas, it becomes easier to examine the inner and outer worlds in relation to one another. Do these worlds only express themselves through gestures? For example, my hijab is essentially a way that conveys my beliefs/identity from my inner world to the external outer world. Therefore, the gestures on the body then become the first glimpse or indicator of the inner world. This can be used accordingly to create or represent a sort of uniqueness or individuality of identity. On the other hand, because the body is so close and personal to each individual, it can also be considered as the closest external thing from the outer world to them. Furthermore, in our everyday lives, we have actions that essentially make up our life. Each one of these actions has a certain meaning about that person’s life, like the hijab as mentioned previously. When considering that “a small gesture can tell a tale” in our everyday life, one can then analyze the complexity in relation to the meaning of our daily actions. For instance, eating a sandwich means that one can afford to eat a sandwich, that there is food to eat, in an environment that is fortunate enough to provide this food.
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Terrestrial: Horizon of Fire
When firstly analyzing the word terrestrial, one can determine that it is related to earth. After making this connection, I started brainstorming life on earth. Earth is one of the only planets that we know of that is habitable to human life. Many might not know but planets make their own sounds, we can’t hear them because space doesn’t have air to carry these soundwaves. However, NASA has managed to capture these sounds. When hearing the sound that earth makes, it can be perceived as a peaceful sound. This is ironic to the things that occur on earth with are not peaceful. I included this earth sound as the first sound in my audio project. After establishing this calm tone, I decided to narrate a story of this memory I have from the Libyan Civil War that I experienced as a teenager. This memory is a story of waking up in the middle of the night to the loud sounds of a bombing of a near military base that belonged to the dictator at the time. Every sound that this audio project emulates an action that I did in that memory. For instance, the first repeated deep wooden sound is related to me pushing my sisters bed to signal her to wake up. This is followed by the clothes sound which is related to me reaching for my clothes and then accidentally causing a loud mess after, represented by the broken glass. Moreover, the three doors opening represented the three rooms in our house, my sister and I’s room, my parents’ room, and my brothers' room. To add on, you can also hear six different footsteps which represent every family member in my family. . Even though this is an audio project of a specific story, I wanted the audience to listen to it and relate to it in their own ways. This project was inspired by the audio project called Attraction by Ned Bouhalassa.
Time: A Timeless World
According to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, as an atom approaches the speed of light, time starts to slow down. Therefore, theoretically, if the atom travels at the speed of light, then time stops. Does this mean everything disappears, or it all happens at once? How can we even begin to understand this concept? Can humans ever experience something like this in our world? Like near-death experiences, maybe?
What is time anyway? Time is a manmade entity that we use to establish organization and order. So what if time doesn’t exist? Will there be no order?
Will everything simultaneously occur at once?
If all actions of the present, future, and past, were to happen at the same time.
Will this change the linearity of time? Selecting what to view, choosing how you perceive the world, at your own pace? Right? Wait but is there even a pace? Because no time = no sequence of events. No sequence of events = no order? If there is no order, how would we even function as human beings? Our bodily functions would even change because they heavily depend on time to occur. How would this affect our internal innate clocks? Can someone even age with no concept of time?
How would this affect the environment around us? Trees, animals, stars, planets? The big bang theory? How different will our relationships with other humans be? With different individual perceptions, how can you even meet people, with only a place and no time? Would we need to communicate differently? Since language has order to it, with no time, there will be no order, so how will we even make sentences, word after word, can we even create an idea of a thought?
How would our memory change if time does not exist? Would we even have any?
Will everything just be a mix of random events? Like a dream maybe?
Like a movie, but you took every single frame and threw it all like confetti, and started viewing the movie by randomly selecting certain frames?
In a timeless world, there would be no concept of light-years, because time does not exist. How does affect the concept of traveling? Is time travel even a thing? How would this affect alternate realities? Like Schrodinger’s cat theory? Can these realities also be viewed all at once? One moment, where the beginning and the end of an event occur. And what is a collection of these moments result in?
In our world, time is considered in the fourth dimension, the space-time coordinate. Height, length, width, and time. With no time being an entropy, does this mean that the world will be in the fifth dimension? Or the 6th? Or the 7th?
Don’t some people consider this the definition of a higher being, or a god?
The existence of a being combined in one moment.
Time is finite, but how is it related to infinity? These questions are profoundly unacceptable to the psyche and to truly see reality as it is, we have to go out of our minds. These questions of time are realities that seep through these cracks of an illusory paradigm.
Is time an illusion? If so, this means that many other things in our lives are also an illusion.